
Love, the Plant Lady….

My friend, Pat, is one of the luckiest girls I know because she lives on an old family farm AND she has a giant greenhouse, (and a giant green thumb to go with it). Early, each year, she pours over garden catalogues and carefully selects flower and vegetable seeds to start in thousands of tiny … Read more

Volunteers Work @ Community Gardens…..

[slideshow] To all the dedicated volunteers from Lowe’s, Davey Tree Experts, Paul Flack from Gemini Custom Carpentry and our neighborhood “angel” Hoagy  **merci beaucop** from our community to all of you!!

Davey Tree Experts volunteer in Pottstown…

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words… but there are not enough words to express the depth of our gratitude to the volunteers from Davey Tree Experts for their hard work and dedication to clearing and trimming the trees at the Community Garden site.  Thank you one and all. Let the Sun Shine, yeah, Let … Read more

Our littlest neighbor and Garden fan, Dane, is on call to help us move dirt!!  We’ll be callin’ ya soon bud! While our neighborhood  “angel” / all around good guy, Richard Hogey, lends a  hand.  Thanks to you friend. We appreciate Mary-Beth Lydon  and Teri Jensen-Sellers for their oversight and organization –  way to go girls.

Voila !! Hot Off The Press….

Thursday, May 19th Pottstown, Pa. 9:00 PM In a UNANIMOUS decision the Pottstown School Board has voted to transfer their vacant property at 423 Chestnut St. to Mosaic Community Land Trust, (a project of Preservation Pottstown), for the benefit of the citizens of Pottstown for their use as Pottstown’s FIRST – OFFICAL COMMUNITY GARDENS. Taking … Read more

Susquehanna Bank and Genesis Housing…

A mighty BIG THANKS for your donation to Pottstown’s first, (of many), Community Gardens Project! Your generous support of our efforts will be richly rewarded with nourishing foods, educational opportunities and the happy faces you will meet when entering the beautiful gardens. Three Cheers!!! 

Businesses Who Make a Difference…

THANK YOU to our Friends at LOWE’S “Teamwork is at the heart of the Lowe’s Heroes program, bringing together thousands of employee volunteers each year to lend a helping hand to communities across North America.” This year, the Community Gardens/Community Land Trust is the appreciative recipient of a $1,200 grant and a Lowe’s team of … Read more