
Home » Gardens

Located across Pottstown, our gardens are centers of activity in the community and serve as a place for community members to come together and grow something amazing.

Our Gardens

Image of Barth Elementary Garden

Barth Garden

Located on the grounds of Barth Elementary, this garden is a vibrant space that has been a hub of the local community. It includes 24 raised beds, a greenhouse, plus a unique pollinator garden surrounding the patio. Barth Garden received a facelift in 2023 and we are looking for gardeners.

If you would like to volunteer on one of our scheduled workdays, contact us here.

If you want to become a gardener here, sign up in Become a Gardener at the bottom of this page.

467 W Walnut St
Pottstown, PA 19464

Chestnut Street Garden

Chestnut Street Garden

Near the The Hill School, the Chestnut Street Garden is well-tended by a committed group of volunteers from the local neighborhood. Established on a small lot donated to Mosaic in 2012 and opened in 2013, this small space, with its 20 plots, has brought a big feeling of community to those who garden there.

Want to be part of this small but vibrant garden? Start the process in Become a Gardener at the bottom of this page.

615 Chestnut St
Pottstown, PA 19464

Permaculture Garden

Permaculture Garden

Permaculture is a way of gardening that uses a sustainable approach that includes caring for the earth, caring for its inhabitants, and using only your fair share. Located at the corner of Charlotte and Walnut, the Permaculture Garden is a space dedicated to growing plants that you might find in a traditional garden, but also many natives that are edible. It also serves as a place of meditation.

If you are interested in getting involved at this unique community space, contact us here.

301 Walnut St
Pottstown, PA 19464

The Mosaic Garden at 423 Chestnut Street, Pottstown

Mosaic Garden

With its landmark mural and pergola, the Mosaic Garden often serves as the location of many community meetings. The first and largest of our four gardens, it attracts a mix of local people and organizations that want to use beds to engage volunteers or teach participants about the benefits of gardening. It’s a grand garden well-tended by the local community and is a place to make friends and get involved.

Want to join in the fun? Jump to Become a Gardener at the bottom of the page.

423 Chestnut St
Pottstown, PA 19464

Become a Gardener

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