
MOSAIC Community Garden News‏

Hi Gardeners, I hope you all are enjoying the gardens and reaping a great harvest this season!  There is plenty going on in and round the community gardens in the final stretch of this year’s growing season. Healthy Family Nights starting September 30th Sponsored by Genesis Housing Corporation and in collaboration with ArtFusion and Olivet’s … Read more


MOSAIC needs and values your input! Please take a moment to complete our questionnaire. It should take just five minutes or less to complete! We thank you in advance for providing us with this valuable information! Click on the link to get started: http://bit.ly/1xB0g8C

MOSAIC Community Gardens Have Outgrown Email Updates‏

Howdy Gardeners and Faithful Supporters, The community gardens are taking root in a huge way in the downtown Pottstown area! We have tons of regularly scheduled garden days, summer camps, workshops and other events happening at both gardens in the upcoming months.  We will soon have regular office hours planned and posted so anyone who … Read more

Upcoming Mosaic Events And Activities

Garden Work and Play Days are scheduled for Saturday, July 5th from 9-11 AM and again on Saturday, July 19th from 9-11 AM. Our Garden Contest deadline has been extended.  The deadline to enter is July 11.  Judging will take place on the 20th between the hours of 4-6 PM with the awards ceremony taking … Read more