My friend, Pat, is one of the luckiest girls I know because she lives on an old family farm AND she has a giant greenhouse, (and a giant green thumb to go with it). Early, each year, she pours over garden catalogues and carefully selects flower and vegetable seeds to start in thousands of tiny seed trays – a real labor of love. When it comes to tomatoes and other veggies, ( ok…flowers too), Pat enjoys the unusual and exotic varieties that grow into special treats for the senses.
Last spring, Pat’s greenhouse was bursting at the seams with flowers and vegetables, far too many for her to sell or plant herself. We came up with the idea of hauling all of the excess plants to my house, on King St., and giving them away to my Washington St. Neighborhood neighbors. This was a superb hit with everyone as they arrived to pick out their greenery and talked of the fun and tasty summer projects that were taking shape for adults and kids alike. As summer progressed reports of healthy, wholesome garden delights filtered back to us “through the grapevine.” The heirloom tomatoes were a big hit everyone – hint hint.
Early this spring, a few neighbors came around to ask if there would be plants again this year? I hadn’t given it much thought because I knew I would be out of town for part of the season. Volunteer Hannah Davis took the notion to heart. Working together, with board member/volunteer Mary-Beth Lydon, and our good neighbor, Patty, the honorary “Plant Lady Trio” took shape and there were plants for all the neighbors again this year. Thanks girls!! Love, Katy the Plant Lady
Pat donated lots of healthy tomato, (and assorted veggie plants), while Hannah reached out to other nurseries and greenhouses in the area of Pottstown. She and Mary-Beth picked up truck loads of flowers from surrounding nurseries who graciously donated their excess bedding plants to our happy cause and good neighbor, Patty Smith, gave the plants away! Another HUGE success as smiling, grateful neighbors took their plants and glided home, on air, to dig the dirt, plant, and tend their young crops and fragrant flowers. That’s what I call: FLOWER POWER!
People and Businesses who Make a Difference:
Ehst Hillside Farm / Pat Ehst 816 N. Ironstone Dr. Boyertown (610) 369-7926
Meng’s Greenhouse / John & Gabe Ott 27 Meng Rd. Schwenksville (610) 287-8356
Strogus Flower Shop & Greenhouse / Barry & Karen Strogus 1320 Farmington Ave. Pottstown (610) 326 3276
We are very appreciative of the 1000 + bulbs that have been donated for our new community gardens, THANKS Richard for thinking of us!!
America Responds with Love / Richard McDonough richard@respondwithlove.org (610) 731-HOPE
A special thanks to Colonial Gardens for all that they do to support the greening of Pottstown and our neighborhood!