3 Reasons Why You Should Become a Member

  • Your membership will help with converting blighted properties into affordable homes.
  • Your membership lends support to Arts & Culture programs that strengthen bonds in the community.
  • Your membership directly impacts our ability to build and maintain our community gardens. Our Mosaic plot-holders grow their own food and share the surplus with their neighborhood and families.

Housing, Gardening, Promotion of the Arts & Education, and Community Advocacy & Partnerships

Mosaic Community Land Trust provides permanently affordable housing and healthy living choices to people of modest means and, through education and participation, creates a vital community with a focus on arts and culture to stabilize neighborhoods and improve the quality of life in Pottstown.

Community Housing

Mosaic CLT Housing

In the spirit of cooperation and partnership that’s at the heart of the community land trust model, Mosaic partners with other organizations like Habitat for Humanity to provide opportunities for long-term homeownership.

Community Gardens

Mosaic CLT Garden

Mosaic Community Land Trust has rehabilitated three lots in a downtown Pottstown neighborhood into beautiful green spaces on Chestnut Street, as well as a permaculture garden on Walnut Street and a community garden at Barth Elementary.

Community Arts

Mosaic CLT Arts

With a goal to see Pottstown revitalized economically as well as culturally, MOSAIC has brought Pottstown Community Arts under its umbrella.  Together, we will partner with artists, schools, churches, businesses and individuals to enhance our community through art.


Learn About Mosaic